Increase application rate
with AI recruiting video

Through AI, we aim to humanize every hiring process for a personalized candidate experience

Meet Timmy

Meet Timmy, a breakthrough AI Video Recruiter Agent. Using the most sophisticated AI language models, Timmy automatically create a unique video story for all job descriptions with just a click of a button.

Boost your career site with the power of AI. 

The Video Recruiter Agent provides a dynamic and personalized job search experience, guiding candidates through live video interactions easily embedded on every page.

Turn Roles into Real Stories. Automatically. 

TL;DR what candidates really want to hear with interactive storytelling. Get the attention your open position truly deserves.

Join the beta

We are seeking top notch users to build with us the future of recruitment
and join our super exclusive beta program.

Join the beta and get a personalized demo for your job pages

Be the first to experience our new video recruiter agent and automatically create a supreme career experience with a click of a button.
Team Me is reviewing your content. If your content fits our requirements for joining the beta, we will email you a link to demo Timmy when it's ready. It’s okay to close this window in the meantime.

Once your demo is ready, you will meet with one of our team members for a full onboarding of the product. All we ask in return is great customer feedback.
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